» Confined like everyone else, his motto could be: when the pot is about to explode, you have to lift the lid! Can we laugh at coughing?, a book of laughter therapy, so not to be at the end of the roll when the PQ comes to miss... » Kennes


Released August 19, 2020 in stores

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And in all the hypermarkets and in all the good bookstores in Belgium and France of the book « Can we laugh at coughing? ». At Editions Kennes. Format 165 x 167 mm. 64 pages. 8 euros.

The drawings of this book are visible on the « Containment logbook ».

cover of Vincent Rif's book can we laugh about cough at the Kennes Editions

Extracts and bonuses:

Lucky Luke and VOCID-19

Lucky Luke and VOCID-19

1946: Lucky Luke born.1983: Lucky Luke quit smoking. 2020: Lucky Luke and Coronavirus. Extract from an illustrator's confinement book.

Distancing tip

Distancing tip

Social distancing trick? Drawing of humour extracted from a confinement book.

Furnish containment

Furnish containment

Drawing humor on containment due to the crisis of the coronavirus. Extract from a book of illustrations and cartoon boards on the subject.

Conte du VOCID-19

Conte du VOCID-19

Conte du chaperon rouge à la sauce du VOCID-19. BD board extracted from a book of an illustrator in containment.



Covid-1984, containment measures and risks of drifting on individual freedoms. Can we laugh at coughing?

Careful birthday

Careful birthday

Be careful to celebrate her birthday during confinement. A drawing extracted from an illustrator's confinement book.

Quick test for VOCID-19

Quick test for VOCID-19

A K7 and a pencil: a quick test for VOCID-19. Drawing extracted from a containment journal by an illustrator, Vincent Rif
