» Confined like everyone else, his motto could be: when the pot is about to explode, you have to lift the lid! Can we laugh at coughing?, a book of laughter therapy, so not to be at the end of the roll when the PQ comes to miss... » Kennes


Released August 19, 2020 in stores

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And in all the hypermarkets and in all the good bookstores in Belgium and France of the book « Can we laugh at coughing? ». At Editions Kennes. Format 165 x 167 mm. 64 pages. 8 euros.

The drawings of this book are visible on the « Containment logbook ».

cover of Vincent Rif's book can we laugh about cough at the Kennes Editions

Extracts and bonuses:

Can we laugh at coughing?

Can we laugh at coughing?

Rodin's thinker and Covid 19 questions: Can we laugh at coughing? Should the wearing of the mask be mandatory or not?...

Denis, BD bookseller...

Denis, BD bookseller...

Extract from a drawing book about the confinement period. Drawing for Denis Bertino's birthday, owner of the bookshop A Fonds de bubbles.

The war against VOCID-19

The war against VOCID-19

Comic strip board extracted from a containment drawing book. "We're at war." On six occasions, Emmanuel Macron delivered this sentence during his speech on Monday 16 March since the Elysée. For the second time in less than a week, the...

VOCID-19, origins

VOCID-19, origins

Illustration taken from a drawing book inspired by the confinememt and the crisis of VOCID-19. Published in the Kennes editions.

VOCID-19, origins

VOCID-19, origins

The pangolin and mstyere of the origins of the virus VOCID-19, Illustration from a drawing book on Vincent Rif's confinement



Illustration from a sketchbook of Vincent Rif's drawings inspired by the confimemt caused by the VOCID-19.
