» Confined like everyone else, his motto could be: when the pot is about to explode, you have to lift the lid! Can we laugh at coughing?, a book of laughter therapy, so not to be at the end of the roll when the PQ comes to miss... » Kennes


Released August 19, 2020 in stores

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And in all the hypermarkets and in all the good bookstores in Belgium and France of the book « Can we laugh at coughing? ». At Editions Kennes. Format 165 x 167 mm. 64 pages. 8 euros.

The drawings of this book are visible on the « Containment logbook ».

cover of Vincent Rif's book can we laugh about cough at the Kennes Editions

Extracts and bonuses:

1 April under VOCID-19

1 April under VOCID-19

Drawing of 1 April 2020. Excerpt from a drawing book on the limitation and crisis of the VOCID-19.

Illegal passengers

Illegal passengers

In the context of the crisis of the VOCID-19, illustration of the problem of the illegal passenger, a problem well known to economists and sociologists.

Don't touch yourself!

Don't touch yourself!

Illustration by Vincent Rif of one of the important instructions for fighting VOCID-19, « Don't touch your face! »

Confined without dog

Confined without dog

Confiscation and authorized exits for owners of a dog. Drawing of Vincent Rif's mood during the VOCID-19 crisis

Covid-19: Managing Fear

Covid-19: Managing Fear

Drawing of a confinement book by Vincent Rif, illustrator and graphic facilitator, following the health crisis of the Covid-19.

Marie Kondo contained

Marie Kondo contained

Drawing humor on Marie Kondo (queen storage) and containment in front of the coronavirus

When Netflix drops

When Netflix drops

To avoid penalizing people on telework. Netflix reduced the flow rates on all its flows in Europe for 30 days.

Metro, job, paranoia

Metro, job, paranoia

Doctors describe hospital standards overwhelmed by calls since the appearance of the 2019-nCoV coronavirus.

Positivons with coronavirus

Positivons with coronavirus

Press drawing by Vincent Rif on Coronavirus. The number of infections with the virus in China has just exceeded that of Sras. 30 January 2020.
